Real Exaltation (November 20)

Real Exaltation (November 20)

We must occupy whatever place God pleases to put us in. In the realm of spiritual things, it is our pride that has gotten us into trouble, and if our relationship to God is ever to be improved, the trait of humility is one that we’ll have to learn.

Our Enemy Is Not Imaginary (November 19)

Our Enemy Is Not Imaginary (November 19)

To the extent that we take God’s side in the war, we will incur the wrath of Satan and his forces. The war is real, and our enemy is not imaginary. His destructive will, therefore, ought to be among the reasons why we seek God.

Truth and Trust (November 18)

Truth and Trust (November 18)

Compared to God’s knowledge, our information is lacking. For that reason, when there is a conflict between God’s wisdom and our own (and therefore a clash between God’s will and our own), we are wise to “acknowledge” Him in all our ways.

Light and Liberation (November 17)

Light and Liberation (November 17)

Our Adversary is “that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world.” If untruth is the problem, then it should not surprise us that God works to undo the problem by restoring to us the truths we let get away from us.

Validation (November 16)

Validation (November 16)

Humility, not to mention reverence, indicates that we ought to be careful. Rarely are we ever doing so well that we don’t need to hear Paul’s exhortation to the Corinthians: “Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.”

Verity (November 15)

Verity (November 15)

Whatever is false and illusory will eventually be seen as such, and whatever is true will still be standing when everything else has vanished. In the meantime, we need to be making progress toward truth at every opportunity.

No Compromise (November 14)

No Compromise (November 14)

We must reject worldly things not only because many of them are inherently wrong but also because they tend to take over our hearts. The world is not content to share our affection with God; if given a chance it will displace God as our first love.

Handle with Care! (November 13)

Handle with Care! (November 13)

We need to handle the Scriptures with care. If we’re serious about seeking God as He truly is and not merely wanting to confirm our own opinions, we’ll approach the Scriptures with reverence and patiently work our way toward greater understanding.

Deeds of Denial (November 12)

Deeds of Denial (November 12)

In a sense, it would be better to declare ourselves as opponents of God than to claim friendship and then betray Him by our way of life. As unfortunate as it would be to live in open defiance of God, at least there is some consistency in such a life.

Self-Righteousness (November 11)

Self-Righteousness (November 11)

Just when we begin to demonstrate some diligence in our spiritual lives and to take some long-overdue steps in the direction of obedience, our enemy is often able to rob us of our progress by tempting us to become proud of our progress!

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