Resources for the Devout Life
Christian daily devotional books and Bible study tools from WordPoints. Daily meditations by Gary Henry, encouraging growth in devotion to God.
Meditations for Daily Growth
Obeying the Gospel
All the Fullness of God (February 19)
Jesus said, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30). So it is a colossal truth that Paul presents when he says that in Christ “the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily” (Colossians 2:9). But nothing less than this will suffice for our salvation.
Diligently Seeking God
A Greater Sense of the Possible (February 19)
God is willing (and eager) to lift us to planes higher than we can yet imagine. Our need is for a bigger desire, a greater sense of what can happen if we’re willing to submit to God as He removes from our hearts the things that hold us back.
Reaching Forward
No Delight (February 19)
In any contest between the head and the heart, the heart will almost always win. Our loves are powerful things; they direct our actions almost irresistibly. So we must constantly work on our desires and diminish the loves that lead us away from God.
Enthusiastic Ideas
Ideas (February 19)
Most of us have been too careless in accumulating our ideas. It would do us good to take more responsibility for our thinking and be more selective in acquiring the ideas that will shape us and bear fruit as the garden of our life grows to maturity.
Obeying the Gospel
All the Fullness of God (February 19)
Jesus said, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30). So it is a colossal truth that Paul presents when he says that in Christ “the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily” (Colossians 2:9). But nothing less than this will suffice for our salvation.
Diligently Seeking God
A Greater Sense of the Possible (February 19)
God is willing (and eager) to lift us to planes higher than we can yet imagine. Our need is for a bigger desire, a greater sense of what can happen if we’re willing to submit to God as He removes from our hearts the things that hold us back.
Reaching Forward
No Delight (February 19)
In any contest between the head and the heart, the heart will almost always win. Our loves are powerful things; they direct our actions almost irresistibly. So we must constantly work on our desires and diminish the loves that lead us away from God.
Enthusiastic Ideas
Ideas (February 19)
Most of us have been too careless in accumulating our ideas. It would do us good to take more responsibility for our thinking and be more selective in acquiring the ideas that will shape us and bear fruit as the garden of our life grows to maturity.
Challenging Every Person to Take God More Seriously
Is devotion to God your primary passion? Our daily devotionals and Bible studies are designed to help you pursue this goal. More than mere fluff, our readings are “devotionals with a difference.” If you’re ready to reach toward spiritual growth, we’re here to support you.

Devotional Meditation
Rather than thinking about God casually, meditation is a deep pondering of His truth. When we meditate devotionally, the facts about God are given more than a “passing glance.” We think about them intently and lovingly so their meaning can truly sink in.

Daily Devotional Books
Unfortunately, many of the best-selling devotionals are popular not because they produce greater devotion to God but because they give the reader a sugary “high.” They aim to make the reader feel better, but they do little to stimulate significant spiritual growth.

Devotion to God
Devotional strength must be built up by constant, disciplined practice over time. Paul reminded his young friend Timothy of this when he said, “Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all” (1 Timothy 4:15).
Themes for Families to Talk About

DFBS 208 – With God’s help, our future can be better than our past
The future will not be what it should be if we fall prey to discouragement about our defeats or to pride about our privileges. Whatever has gone before, the Lord wants us to press ahead to the better tomorrow that He has in store for us.
Other Resources
Short essays by Gary Henry from various published sources over the years. Many different topics.
Sermon outlines are not just for preachers. These outlines also serve as good personal Bible studies.
These are lectures delivered by Gary Henry in environments that are somewhat more “academic.”
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