Daily Family Bible Studies
These studies provide a weekly theme and daily discussions to help families study the Bible together. The lessons can also be used by individuals for private Bible study.
DFBS 142 — God always keeps His promises and fulfills His purposes
It helps to remember that the whole universe was created by a God who is eternal. The comforting thing about God’s eternal nature is not merely that He exists eternally, but that His character is eternal: God is changelessly faithful to us!
DFBS 141 — We show our interest in God by the way we listen to gospel preaching
A seemingly little thing like our listening habits during the worship service can be a significant indicator of what is in our hearts. If the sermon seems dry and unappealing, it may be because we have no thirst for righteousness.
Year 1
- DFBS 145 — The church is healthy and grows when each member does his part
- DFBS 146 — Jesus died on the cross in order to save us from our sins
- DFBS 147 — There is a difference between temporal wealth and true riches
- DFBS 148 — We need to check ourselves constantly to see if we are doing God’s will
- DFBS 149 — The best things in life are the things that make us more like God
- DFBS 150 — Faith means trusting God’s faithfulness
- DFBS 151 — It is presumptuous to make up special religious observances which God has not commanded
- DFBS 152 — We should study the Bible every day
- DFBS 101 — We ought to be thankful for and obey everything in God’s word
- DFBS 102 — We grow stronger spiritually when we worship God together
- DFBS 103 — God wants His people to work together in the church
- DFBS 104 — God wants us not only to know the right thing but to do the right thing
- DFBS 105 — We should set a godly example for those around us
- DFBS 106 — We are in the church which belongs to Christ only if we obey His word
- DFBS 107 — God never commands anything that is not for our good
- DFBS 108 — Happiness is a product of the help we give to others
- DFBS 109 — We ought to put the Lord’s work ahead of our own interests
- DFBS 110 — Elders are given to us by God to help us grow spiritually
- DFBS 111 — Jesus taught us to pray
- DFBS 112 — God is our strength
- DFBS 113 — We ought to look forward to the Lord’s Day
- DFBS 114 — We can expect the devil to make things difficult for us
- DFBS 115 — Our homes should be places where we learn about God together
- DFBS 116 — Youth is a time to love God and be faithful to Him
- DFBS 117 — It is a blessing to have fellowship with gospel preachers in other places
- DFBS 118 — God shows His love in the help that He gives us
- DFBS 119 — Jesus wants us to be His disciples
- DFBS 120 — We should be willing to give up some things for the Lord
- DFBS 121 — Our families are good gifts that God gives to bless us
- DFBS 122 — If we walk with God, we grow closer to Him every day
- DFBS 123 — Our faith needs to be in God and not in things that will disappoint us
- DFBS 124 — We should try to be as patient with others as God has been with us
- DFBS 125 — Believing in God means that we trust Him
- DFBS 126 — Whether we go to heaven depends on what we do with God’s word
- DFBS 127 — Being a hypocrite is one of the worst things in the world
- DFBS 128 — The first day of the week is a day to remember the Lord
- DFBS 129 — We should grow wiser by learning from the experiences others have had
- DFBS 130 — God wants us to think before we act
- DFBS 131 — In both word and deed, we should be thankful for God’s blessings
- DFBS 132 — There are many doctrines and practices that Christ does not approve of
- DFBS 133 — If we are faithful, we can look forward to Jesus coming again
- DFBS 134 — To be in the kingdom of God means being a worker in the kingdom
- DFBS 135 — God requires that we pay serious attention to Him
- DFBS 136 — We should not participate in the sins that are around us in the world
- DFBS 137 — God can do things that are greater than we think are possible
- DFBS 138 — We ought to give of our best to the Master
- DFBS 139 — Deacons are given to help us in the Lord’s work
- DFBS 140 — The message of the gospel is the message of the cross
- DFBS 141 — We show our interest in God by the way we listen to gospel preaching
- DFBS 142 — God always keeps His promises and fulfills His purposes
Year 2
- DFBS 201 — Right attitudes help us to please God and do His work faithfully
- DFBS 202 — If we fail to use our abilities in the Lord’s work, that is a serious sin
- DFBS 203 — We must be concerned about whether our fellow Christians are growing
- DFBS 204 — We ought to look forward to assembling together in the local church
- DFBS 205 — We should talk to our friends and neighbors about the Lord
- DFBS 206 — We can depend on God, knowing He will always take care of us
- DFBS 207 — The day we are baptized into Christ is the day we begin a new life of joy
- DFBS 208 — With God’s help, our future can be better than our past
- DFBS 209 — Repentance is something that everybody needs to do
- DFBS 210 — The Christian has hope because he has been born again
- DFBS 211 — Our work is sowing the seed of the kingdom
- DFBS 212 — God should be able to count on our faithfulness
- DFBS 213 — Courage is a quality we all can have
- DFBS 214 — We should have a constant will to do what is right
- DFBS 215 — God wants us to get rid of our bad habits
- DFBS 216 — If we truly want to obey God, He will help us find out what we should do
- DFBS 217 — Apart from God, life is empty
- DFBS 218 — We ought to love one another as Christ has loved us
- DFBS 219 — Our hearts should be in heaven
- DFBS 220 — It is truth that breaks the power of evil
- DFBS 221 — Choices are the stuff out of which life is made
- DFBS 222 — If we are not careful we may become unfaithful to God
- DFBS 223 — Sometimes we suffer effects of our sins even after we are forgiven
- DFBS 224 — Prayer should be an important part of our everyday lives
- DFBS 225 — We need to be very careful in learning from God’s word
- DFBS 226 — God wants us to consider carefully what we say about others
- DFBS 227 — God’s word is our guide
- DFBS 228 — We must worship and serve God in both spirit and truth
- DFBS 229 — Jesus wants to forgive us and help us outgrow the need to be forgiven
- DFBS 230 — Doing the right thing does not have to be burdensome
- DFBS 231 — Our relationships with fellow Christians should be Christlike
- DFBS 232 — God blesses those who turn their hearts toward Him
- DFBS 233 — We should be grateful for the spiritual help that others give us
- DFBS 234 — We ought to learn from the example of God’s faithful people in the Bible
- DFBS 235 — God wants us to be lights in the world
- DFBS 236 — It is better to do what is right than to do what is easy
- DFBS 237 — By studying what Jesus said and did, we can learn what God is like
- DFBS 238 — Like Jesus, our aim should be to serve, not to be served
- DFBS 239 — Many good blessings come from truly believing in God
- DFBS 240 — The local church is where Christians worship and work together
- DFBS 241 — The things God has created show His glory
- DFBS 242- When we bear one another’s burdens, we fulfill the law of Christ
- DFBS 243 — The Christian’s outward quality of life is the result of godly character in the inner person
- DFBS 244 — God wants us to be modest people and to dress accordingly
- DFBS 245 — Bible study should help us see changes we need to make
- DFBS 246 — Gratitude for grace is our most powerful motivation
- DFBS 247 — Godly young people set an example that all believers can profit from
- DFBS 248 — The “churches of Christ” are those that submit to His lordship
- DFBS 249 — The devil is our great spiritual adversary
- DFBS 250 — We should forgive others as Christ has forgiven us
- DFBS 251 — If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us
- DFBS 252 — We need to spend more time thinking about the “end” or “goal” of life
Year 3
- DFBS 301 — Faith in God gives us victory over life’s problems
- DFBS 302 — Marriage was instituted by God, and it should be guided by God’s will
- DFBS 303 — We ought to accept our responsibilities as members of a local congregation
- DFBS 304 — It is a blessing to have others who will correct us
- DFBS 305 — God has graciously revealed to us His character and His will
- DFBS 306 — We must love God’s truth more than we love our sins
- DFBS 307 — Preparation is an important part of faithful service to Christ
- DFBS 308 — One of life’s most basic questions is whether to put our trust in God
- DFBS 309 — Jesus voluntarily gave His life to save us from our sins
- DFBS 310 — By dying in our stead, Jesus defeated the power of death
- DFBS 311 — By the blood of Christ we have access to God’s presence
- DFBS 312 — God’s love for us demonstrated at the cross moves us to love Him
- DFBS 313 — Christ’s church is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets
- DFBS 314 — At the judgment, eternal life will be given to those who have been faithful to God
- DFBS 315 — We ought to hold on to what we know God has revealed
- DFBS 316 — The gospel of Jesus Christ produces peace
- DFBS 317 — God has made possible our reconciliation to Himself
- DFBS 318 — Faith in the midst of suffering is a great example we can give to others
- DFBS 319 — God wants us to give a worthy effort to our daily work
- DFBS 320 — Saving faith is faith in Jesus Christ
- DFBS 321 — We should be willing to sacrifice time as well as money for the Lord’s work
- DFBS 322 — There must be harmony between our principles and our practice
- DFBS 323 — Jesus Christ is preeminent over all things in our relationship to God
- DFBS 324 — To be baptized into Christ is to enjoy a ‘newness of life’
- DFBS 325 — Giving honor to God is the highest and best activity in life
- DFBS 326 — God requires spouses to honor their marriage commitment to one another
- DFBS 327 — We should learn to distinguish between good and evil as God does
- DFBS 328 — Jesus Christ improves our lives by improving our thinking
- DFBS 329 — We ought to trust that God’s will is the best path to follow
- DFBS 330 — Only God can loose the bond made by the marriage covenant
- DFBS 331 — Our goal ought to be to present the gospel to as many people as possible
- DFBS 332 — It is wise to accept whatever hardships our salvation may require
- DFBS 333 — We sound forth God’s word publicly by our congregational worship and Bible study
- DFBS 334 — We can do whatever we should do concerning God’s will
- DFBS 335 — We ought to work hard to present ourselves approved to God
- DFBS 336 — Our fellowship with God depends upon our living in His truth
- DFBS 337 — We are wise if we seriously consider the end of life
- DFBS 338 — In all that we do, we ought to glorify God and give Him thanks
- DFBS 339 — Confidence in the reliability of the Scriptures leads us to have faith in God Himself
- DFBS 340 — The church is a place where we should be challenged to grow
- DFBS 341 — As Christians, we are God’s own special people
- DFBS 342 — We ought to pursue the things that make for true happiness
- DFBS 343 — In Christ, we are growing toward God’s perfect holiness and glory
- DFBS 344 — Truly trusting God means letting go of other sources of security
- DFBS 345 — Prayer is something we should constantly strive to learn more about
- DFBS 346 — Like Noah, we ought to have an obedient trust in God
- DFBS 347 — Our confidence in the gospel rests on a solid foundation
- DFBS 348 — Jesus Christ came to set us free from the bondage of sin
- DFBS 349 — God gave us the Lord’s Supper to remind us of His Son’s death for our sins
- DFBS 350 — Jesus Christ teaches us words of life
- DFBS 351 — It is important to hear God’s word reverently and obediently
- DFBS 352 — Thinking correctly about the past helps us serve God more faithfully in the present
Year 4
- DFBS 401 — It is good to see ourselves as God sees us
- DFBS 402 — God’s word equips us to deal with the real problems of daily living
- DFBS 403 — Doing what is right requires the highest kind of courage
- DFBS 404 — It is important that our basic concepts be true to the Bible
- DFBS 405 — The church in the apostolic age is a pattern for us today
- DFBS 406 — Each day God gives us opportunities to improve our lives
- DFBS 407 — As God’s people, we should want to honor Him in everything we do
- DFBS 408 — As Christians, we should strive to develop a balanced, well-rounded character
- DFBS 409 — It is difficult to do what is right if we don’t see the truth about ourselves
- DFBS 410 — God has saved us in order to show forth the riches of His grace
- DFBS 411 — God wants to be close to us
- DFBS 412 — We ought to love God with all our hearts
- DFBS 413 — We must not only seek God, but we must seek Him diligently
- DFBS 414 — We are accountable to God for the way we live our lives
- DFBS 415 — Baptism is the act in which our sins are washed away
- DFBS 416 — The Lord’s work opens up to us a whole new potential for joy and fulfillment
- DFBS 417 — Differences among Christians should be dealt with in a way that glorifies God
- DFBS 418 — To be converted to Christ is to make a commitment of faithfulness to Him
- DFBS 419 — The best of this life comes to us when we make the next life our main pursuit
- DFBS 420 — Life works as it should only when we repent of the sin of selfishness
- DFBS 421 — Loving what is right requires more than simply hating what is wrong
- DFBS 422 — Seeking God requires courage, commitment, and confession
- DFBS 423 — Contentment is an important ingredient in the happiness of our families
- DFBS 424 — The message of the gospel is God’s means of calling all people to Jesus Christ
- DFBS 425 — We are not at liberty to pick which parts of God’s will we wish to obey
- DFBS 426 — Everything the Christian does is done ‘as to the Lord’
- DFBS 427 — We will be judged by God as individuals and not as congregations
- DFBS 428 — With God’s truth, we can defeat the devil’s attempt to deceive us
- DFBS 429 — When we choose to obey God, we choose life over death
- DFBS 430 — Each local church should communicate the gospel to as many people as possible
- DFBS 431 — Choosing to attend every assembly of the church is an important choice
- DFBS 432 — On the Lord’s Day, we are to provide for the financial needs of the Lord’s work
- DFBS 433 — Gaining a more truthful perspective on ourselves ought to be a priority
- DFBS 434 — Godly lives don’t develop unless we make careful decisions
- DFBS 435 — The authority of Christ’s word is the basis for unity among His followers
- DFBS 436 — We must learn to subordinate our impulses to our principles
- DFBS 437 — Self-honesty is one of the most important character traits we can have
- DFBS 438 — Our characters are the accumulation of the decisions we make
- DFBS 439 — As Christians, we are being drawn toward heaven by the gospel of Christ
- DFBS 440 — True faith means more than mental agreement with the facts of the gospel
- DFBS 441 — The willingness to be warned is a valuable character trait
- DFBS 442- We are to be good stewards of the blessings God gives us
- DFBS 443- God’s love for us is steadfast
- DFBS 444 — Like Joshua and Caleb, we must rely on the Lord fully
- DFBS 445 — It is refreshing to worship with the Lord’s people
- DFBS 446 — Times of difficulty can be times of spiritual growth
- DFBS 447 — Patience is one of the most powerful of the Christian virtues
- DFBS 448 — It is in God’s reign that our hopes must rest
- DFBS 449 — We should long fervently for the day of Christ’s return
- DFBS 450 — Being a part of the Lord’s people and the Lord’s work is a joy
- DFBS 451 — Life in Christ in this world is a great adventure
- DFBS 452 — We should look backward with gratitude and forward with hope