Are You a Christian?

eIs the Message of Jesus Christ True?

“The question is not whether a doctrine is beautiful but whether it is true. When we wish to go to a place, we do not ask whether the road leads through a pretty country, but whether it is the right road” (Augustus Hare).

First, is the message true?

The is the question of top priority whether we’re talking about the gospel of Jesus Christ or some other important message. Since what we want to be true has such a strong pull on our thinking, it takes a great deal of honesty for us to set aside personal preferences and simply inquire whether what we find in the New Testament is true.

Our decision should be governed by the evidence. As open-mindedly as possible, we should listen to all of the “witnesses” in this “trial,” and then render our “verdict” based on the evidence, which may or may not be the same as what we thought it would be.

In addition to honesty, it might also take some hard work. Unlike an ordinary trial where the evidence is brought conveniently before us, our investigation of the gospel will require us to gather up the evidence by diligently searching the Scriptures.

Second, if the message is true, what should we do about it?

All of us know what it’s like to see a duty but be afraid to do it. With momentous decisions, there are often some fearful consequences to contemplate. But with the gospel of Christ, if we see it is true (perhaps not wanting it to be true, but having too much integrity to deny the evidence), we must follow where it leads.

On these pages, we hope you’ll find the help you need in both of these important areas: first of all, information to help you discern whether Christ’s message is true and can be trusted, and second, encouragement to help you commit to following it faithfully.

Encountering Christ in the Scriptures

It is in the Scriptures that Jesus Christ must be investigated. We may listen to what the scholars say and we may have our own presuppositions, but in the end, it is the information about Jesus found in the text of the Scriptures that must be decisive.

Similarly, the question “Are you a Christian?” must be answered from the Scriptures. Just as popular stereotypes of Jesus may not be true to the portrait of him found in the Scriptures, popular notions about becoming a Christian may not hold up to investigation either. In both cases, this website encourages honest and courageous study of the information found within the Scriptures themselves.



Several of the study resources here can be subscribed to. Sign up for these and look for each installment by email.



You will get the most from these studies if you engage with them thoughtfully — thinking, pondering, and actively exploring.



When the time is right, I hope you’ll contact me. How are your studies going? Let me help you take the next step.

My email is Don’t hesitate to reach out.

Gary Henry - WordPoints

Today’s Reading from “Obeying the Gospel”

Forgiveness, Faithfulness, and Ultimate Hope

Forgiveness, Faithfulness, and Ultimate Hope

Here are three things worthy of our highest seeking. If we’re thinking rightly, these are the things we most truly desire in the gospel.

How Important Is Obedience?

How Important Is Obedience?

Is our salvation conditioned upon anything that we must do? What happens if we disregard what the Scriptures reveal about God’s will?

The Restoration Principle: What Is It?

The Restoration Principle: What Is It?

Both as congregations and as individuals, the tendency is for us to drift away from the Lord. So, “restoration” must always be an ongoing work.

E-Study Courses

Believing the Gospel

Is the message of Jesus Christ true? In this study, you will explore the important subject of faith: how we can know that the gospel is trustworthy and what it means to “believe” in Jesus Christ? You will discover the difference between real trust and blind faith.

Learn from the New Testament what exactly the message is that must be believed.
Grasp the definition of faith. Learn to distinguish between what faith is and what it is not.

Confront the credibility of the gospel. Be impressed by the evidence on which true faith rests.


Delve into the question of faith and free will. Is faith given by God to some but not to others?

Tackle the hard issues. Living in a pluralistic world, for example, can we really believe that Jesus is the only way to salvation?

Obeying the Gospel

If what Christ taught is, in fact, the truth, what should we do about it? How must we respond to the good news of the gospel, both initially and on a continuing basis? These lessons will help you see what the Scriptures teach on the often-neglected topic of obedience.
Discover the importance of honesty and courage as prerequisites for obedience to the gospel.
Investigate what the New Testament teaches about godly sorrow and the penitent heart.
Consider Jesus’ teaching about “counting the cost” of discipleship to Him.
See the conditions required for our salvation in the New Testament. Make a serious study of belief, repentance, confession, and baptism.
Learn the meaning of “keeping the faith” and “sharing the faith” as lifelong commitments.

Other Resources

The resources on these pages are offered as aids, but the important thing is your own personal study of the Scriptures.

You will get the most from these aids if you actually look up the passages of Scripture that are cited, examining not only the particular verse but also the surrounding context.

If you have a question, just drop me an email to

"Obeying the Gospel" Daily Email

These are the daily pages from the book “Obeying the Gospel” by Gary Henry. You can read them here on the website or subscribe and get them by email.


Gives you an audio recording for each day’s page from “Obeying the Gospel,” read by the author. Available on most of the major podcast directories, like Apple and Spotify.

E-Study Courses

These are 8-lesson courses you can get by email. There is no obligation. We won’t keep emailing you after you finish, unless you want to talk further.

20 Questions

Basic questions are often answered wrongly. With these 20 questions, we are asking, “Are you sure?” Each item deals with what we must do to be saved.

Core Concepts

Articles by Gary Henry on nine of the most fundamental ideas in the gospel of Christ: sin, grace, conversion, faith, repentance, baptism, hope, obedience, and congregation.

Discussion Guides

Designed mainly for small-group discussions, these guides look at themes related to obeying the gospel of Christ. Can also be used for individual study.


Articles by Gary Henry on a variety of basic truths in the Scriptures. Brief but thought-provoking, these essays discuss both becoming and being a Christian.

Letting the Bible Speak

Four lessons on becoming a Christian, letting the Bible answer each question. Useful for non-Christians, but also Christians who want to deepen their faith.

People of God

Thirteen lessons by Robert F. Turner on what the church is. Deals with some common misunderstandings about the Lord’s church. Prepare to be challenged.

Free PDF Downloads

Free downloads of PDFs by Gary Henry on several Bible study topics. Also provides free PDF editions of the books in the WordPoints Daybook Series.

A personal appeal

These days, it’s hard to keep from drowning in data. I hope you haven’t seen so much religious information on the Internet that you’ll be cynical about this website.

The question “What must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30) is a question of enormous importance. I’ve written these materials with a deep sense of responsibility not to misrepresent anything the Scriptures teach on that question. By all means, use the Scriptures to make up your own mind.

I invite you to dig deeply. I’ve tried to make these studies serious and significant. So I hope you’ll challenge yourself. Don’t be content with snap judgments and preliminary conclusions. Check and double-check what you think is true. Study carefully. — Gary Henry

Two big requirements

. . . honesty

It takes an uncommon measure of honesty to DISCOVER the truth, especially on a subject as emotionally charged as religion. Pride and preconceived notions can blind us.

. . . courage

Having discovered what the truth is, we must be willing to FOLLOW it wherever it leads, and that takes courage. May we make whatever sacrifices truth calls upon us to make.

Email Courses - Are You a Christian?

E-Study Courses

We plan a growing selection of topics you can study by email. Two different 8-lesson courses are currently available, with more in preparation. There is no cost or obligation.

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