How Can I Help You?The Hope Behind the Website
Helping people encounter Jesus Christ in the Scriptures
Jesus of Nazareth was a historical figure, but he was a figure who taught some things so remarkable that his place in history is unique. The person of Jesus needs to be “encountered” — that is, he needs to be given careful consideration. His teachings (and also his character) need to be engaged, interacted with, and evaluated seriously, so that whatever we end up deciding about him, our decision will be a responsible one.
Sadly, many people believe they’ve encountered Jesus when all they’ve really done is wrestle with opinions in their own head, often nothing more than personal preferences.
However, it is in the Scriptures that we must investigate Jesus. Whatever presuppositions we may bring to our study, we can’t say we’ve “encountered” Jesus if we haven’t wrestled honestly with the information in the Scriptures about him. It’s fair for a person to ask whether the Scriptures are historically trustworthy, of course, but we can’t make a decision on that question, let alone others that must be asked, without examining the documents personally and equitably.
Fostering an encounter with Jesus Christ in the Scriptures is the purpose of this website. My hope is that you’ll dig in and truly interact with the “persona” of Jesus that emerges from the Scriptures when a receptive person studies the data. The study must be your own; all I can do is encourage and facilitate. But at least I hope to do that. If nothing else, I hope you’ll learn to ask the questions that are of primary importance.
And for you personally, my hope is that having encountered Christ, you will, like many before you, decide to stake your life on the truth of what He taught about eternal life.
If I Can Help You Personally, Don’t Hesitate to Reach Out
I’d like to be of assistance to you in any way that I can. If you have questions or concerns, it would be my pleasure to help you find good answers.
- Answer a question in your study. If you’re having difficulty with a particular passage in the Scriptures, perhaps I could help. I don’t know all there is to know about the Scriptures, by any means, but if I don’t know the answer, I can help you find it.
- Help find someone in your area to study with. While online “distance” learning has its place, it helps to have someone in our own locality to study with. Wherever you live, I can help you find a trustworthy student of the Scriptures to guide you.
- Assist you in being baptized. Perhaps you’re at the point where you know you want to be baptized into Christ. I can help you find someone to assist you in taking that life-changing step — and then share the joy of that day with you!
- Help find a faithful congregation in your area to worship with. A part of life in Christ is regular association with an assembly of faithful Christians. I can help you find a group of disciples near you who desire to worship according to the New Testament.
What is the next step in your study of the gospel of Christ? Whatever it is, my prayer is that you’ll have the desire to take that step. If I can encourage you or shed any light on your path, I would be happy to do so.
Gary Henry – +
1310 Snake Foot Drive, Apt 104, Louisville KY 40243
Phone: (502) 682-2603