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Devotionals with a Difference
WordPoints is a website by Gary Henry about the Christian faith: challenging every person to take God more seriously. This phrase summarizes not only our intent but also the main factor which makes this website different.
The word “provoke” has some very good meanings (in addition to the obviously bad ones), and at WordPoints, we hope to be “provocative” in the highest and best sense of the term. Some writers just want to make you feel good emotionally, no matter what your present stance toward God may be, but we have a higher goal. We want to help you respond rightly to the Scriptures and enter a saved relationship with God, the result of which will make you feel very good indeed.
Wherever you may be on the religious spectrum at present, you will find something in these pages to “provoke” your thinking and move you to become more devoted to God. For each of us, there is some “next step” we can take.
On behalf of the readers of WordPoints around the world, I welcome you to this website. This page will give you an overview, but I hope you’ll explore the nooks and crannies of WordPoints on your own. There’s a lot of content here.
Feel free to reach out if you have any question. Drop me an email at

About the Author
WordPoints is written by Gary Henry, who lives in Louisville, Kentucky. See this page for some personal information about Gary.
A Fresh Perspective on "Devotional" Literature
These days, there is an abundance of devotional literature available to readers. Read about the perspective that Gary takes on this kind of writing.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Curious about something concerning WordPoints? Here are the answers to some common questions people have about this website.
Daily Devotions by Email
Get the daily pages from books in the WordPoints Daybook Series. Conveniently delivered to you by email each morning.
For many years, WordPoints has been the online archive for Gary Henry’s written teaching material. The archive has grown over the years — and it continues to grow as Gary produces new work (and adds older resources to the website that were developed long ago in the pre-internet age of the world). On this website you will find a variety of materials, suitable for many different study, teaching, and discussion situations.
We would especially like to draw your attention to a section of the website called This section is meant to be helpful to non-Christians, but Christians will also find a great deal here to promote their spiritual growth.
The resources on are offered as aids, but the important thing is your own personal study of the Scriptures. You will get the most from these aids if you actually look up the passages of Scripture that are cited, examining not only the particular verse but also the surrounding context.
You have our very best wishes in your study of the Scriptures!

Daily Devotions
Daily devotional essays are no substitute for the Scriptures, but like a good talk with a Christian friend, they can encourage us in the right direction.
Daily Family Bible Studies
These are studies that families (as well as individuals) can use Monday-Friday to think about biblical themes.
Sermon Outlines
Outlines used by Gary Henry in presenting sermons to various local congregations. Can be used for private study or group discussion.
Some of these articles were written for religious journals, others for the internet. Read them and be challenged.
Free PDF Downloads
PDF documents by Gary Henry available for free download, on a variety of biblical themes and topics.
WordPoints Daybook Series
Seven daily devotional books (five now completed, two more on the way) by Gary Henry. Learn why so many readers worldwide have looked to these books to inspire greater love for God.