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All the Fullness of God (February 19)

All the Fullness of God (February 19)

Jesus said, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30). So it is a colossal truth that Paul presents when he says that in Christ “the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily” (Colossians 2:9). But nothing less than this will suffice for our salvation.

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The Knowable God (February 18)

The Knowable God (February 18)

Can God be known? Yes, He can. God has, in Jesus Christ, made it possible for us to know Him (John 1:18; 17:3). Sin robbed us of the truth about God, but in His Son we can regain that knowledge — and knowing our Creator, we may truly live.

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A Greater Sense of the Possible (February 19)

A Greater Sense of the Possible (February 19)

God is willing (and eager) to lift us to planes higher than we can yet imagine. Our need is for a bigger desire, a greater sense of what can happen if we’re willing to submit to God as He removes from our hearts the things that hold us back.

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Worthy to be Loved (February 18)

Worthy to be Loved (February 18)

We must delight in God’s holiness. We are to love Him because He is our Creator, simply for His own sake. Love’s joy has to do with giving, not getting. The moment our main focus shifts from the Beloved to ourselves, true joy begins to disappear.

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No Delight (February 19)

No Delight (February 19)

In any contest between the head and the heart, the heart will almost always win. Our loves are powerful things; they direct our actions almost irresistibly. So we must constantly work on our desires and diminish the loves that lead us away from God.

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Tempted to Switch Goals (February 18)

Tempted to Switch Goals (February 18)

We need to see sin for what it is: a worshiping of the wrong god. Not many of us would want to be known as idolaters, but that’s what it comes down to when, at the devil’s urging, we exchange God, our hearts’ true desire, for anything else at all.

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Ideas (February 19)

Ideas (February 19)

Most of us have been too careless in accumulating our ideas. It would do us good to take more responsibility for our thinking and be more selective in acquiring the ideas that will shape us and bear fruit as the garden of our life grows to maturity.

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Persistence (February 18)

Persistence (February 18)

Unless we intend to sit down and give up the journey (which is not an honorable option), our obstacles should not be seen as anything more than temporary delays. As long as our conscience tells us that our goals are good, we must keep going!

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January 2025

January 2025

I will keep praying to survive until January 1, 2040. I’ll work as hard as I can — by the strength which He supplies (1 Peter 4:11) — squeezing as much productivity as I can from each of the unique and valuable hours that He blesses me with.

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November 2024

November 2024

Being involved with Daryl Townsend’s work with prisoners is a way that I can continue to teach through the spoken work, and not only that, but it will connect me to an audience whose needs are very near to my heart. I hope you’ll pray with me about this work!

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