Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I contact WordPoints?

  • Address: Gary Henry / WordPoints, 1310 Snake Foot Drive, Apt 104, Louisville KY 40243
  • Email:
  • Phone: (502) 682-2603
  • Facebook: Personal page for Gary Henry and publisher page for WordPoints

What is WordPoints?

WordPoints is a small religious publishing company, delivering content written by Gary Henry via websites, e-books, and other digital media. It also serves as the publishing vehicle for hard-copy books written by Gary, including the daily devotional book Diligently Seeking God. WordPoints is a member of Independent Book Publishers Association. For more about our publishing philosophy, see ABOUT WORDPOINTS.

Who is Gary Henry?

Gary Henry is a Bible study teacher who lives in Louisville, Kentucky. For more information, see ABOUT THE AUTHOR.

What kind of books does WordPoints publish?

Our books are what used to be called “daybooks” — books with one page for each day of the year, containing a short, thoughtful meditation that gives the reader something to ponder throughout the day. The WordPoints Daybook Series will eventually contain seven volumes.

What books are in the ‘WordPoints Daybook Series’?

  • Book 1 – Enthusiastic Ideas
  • Book 2 – More Enthusiastic Ideas
  • Book 3 – Diligently Seeking God
  • Book 4 – Reaching Forward
  • Book 5 – Obeying the Gospel
  • Book 6 – Walking in Christ (currently scheduled for 2024)
  • Book 7 – Going Home (currently scheduled for 2027)

Where can WordPoints books be purchased?

Gary’s Amazon page

Florida College Bookstore — Temple Terrace, Florida

Online bookstore

CEI Bookstore — Athens, Alabama

Online bookstore

One Stone Biblical Resources — Bowling Green, Kentucky

Online bookstore

Note: WordPoints books are available from many other booksellers besides the ones listed above. Check your favorite source. If copies are not in stock at a particular time, any bookseller can order them for you.

When did WordPoints begin?

WordPoints began in 2002 prior to the publication of Diligently Seeking God.

Who owns WordPoints?

WordPoints is a sole proprietorship owned by Gary Henry.

Is WordPoints affiliated with any denomination, congregation, or religious organization?

No. Although the author, Gary Henry, is a member of the Douglass Hills Church of Christ in Louisville, Kentucky, WordPoints is not connected to that congregation, any group of congregations, or any para-church organization. It is a private, independent publishing project.

Does WordPoints have a doctrinal statement?

No. We have not encapsulated our beliefs in a formal statement, but we are happy to answer any questions readers might have on specific points of belief.

Can WordPoints website materials be reproduced for group studies, classes, bulletins, etc.?

Yes. We encourage the use of these resources by anyone who finds them helpful. (There is no need to write us for permission to reprint.)

Are WordPoints books available at a bulk discount?

Yes. We are glad to make our books available at a discount if you order at least 18 copies. See our Bulk Discount Page for more information on how to get this discount.

Trusting God's Chosen Means (February 12)

Trusting God’s Chosen Means (February 12)

We don't know why God linked baptism to the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16) -- nor why He required faith and repentance. But those are the requirements that He has decided on, and we must reverently trust His chosen means for saving us.

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