God Is Not Neutral Toward Our Needs (February 13)

God Is Not Neutral Toward Our Needs (February 13)

Whatever God expects us to do, He will help us to do. And help with those things is what we ought to desire, more than we desire His help with lesser concerns. In anything related to the gospel of Christ, we needn’t worry about coming up short.

Praying for Light (February 12)

Praying for Light (February 12)

The light we should ask for is light to illuminate the road we’re actually going to travel. Guidance is only for those who are going somewhere. So if we’re reaching forward, we should pray for light — but our intention must be to move forward!

A Heart Will Find Its Home (February 11)

A Heart Will Find Its Home (February 11)

By our nature, we are creatures who seek, and every kind of seeking that we may engage in has its own set of consequences. Depending on what we seek and how we seek it, we will each arrive at a “goal” that is the ultimate outcome of our seeking.

Strength from Brokenness (February 10)

Strength from Brokenness (February 10)

Life in this world is hard. It is ugly, and it is dangerous. We’re never more than a step away from sorrow or shame, and the weight of the world may not be something we can bear without breaking — but being broken need not be the end of the story.

In This We Groan (February 9)

In This We Groan (February 9)

As Jesus approached the tomb of His friend Lazarus, He “wept” (John 11:35). Then the account says that He arrived at the tomb “groaning in Himself” (v.38). We need to dispense with the idea that spiritually mature people never hurt and never cry.

Broken Wings (February 8)

Broken Wings (February 8)

Even for the person of extraordinary spiritual strength, it is hard to keep a positive focus on God when the body is not able to function normally or is racked with pain. What, then, should be our attitude toward physical impairments or diseases?

Are We Willing to Be Weak? (February 7)

Are We Willing to Be Weak? (February 7)

An admission of our weakness is the only way to be truly strong. Not only that, it’s the only way to make progress. We can’t really be useful to the Lord until our pride has been broken, perhaps by some lifelong “thorn in the flesh” that humbles us.

Would We Refuse the Great Invitation? (February 6)

Would We Refuse the Great Invitation? (February 6)

God offers us life, and His offer is an invitation. “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ . . . Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17). Who in his right mind would turn down this, the greatest of all invitations?

What Do We Hope to Gain? (February 5)

What Do We Hope to Gain? (February 5)

God can give us many wonderful blessings, and these are not insignificant motivators to the devout life. But none of these come close to the joy of giving glory to God: the sheer joy of taking our rightful place in the symphony of His creation.

Peace and Truth (February 4)

Peace and Truth (February 4)

When we are grounded in the truth about God, we have His promise that all those rightly related to Him through Christ will share in His victory. “In the world you will have tribulation,” Jesus said, “but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

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