The Gospel: Words and Power (April 30)

The Gospel: Words and Power (April 30)

Although the apostles are no longer preaching in person, the foundation has been laid and the record stands firm. The gospel, as preached and confirmed by the apostles, is just as powerful for us as it was for those who heard them 2,000 years ago.

You Will Be My People, I Will Be Your God (April 29)

You Will Be My People, I Will Be Your God (April 29)

Here is the truth: we haven’t really been liberated or “saved” if, for all practical purposes, we continue to live in “Egypt.” God requires that we leave our chains behind, not only as a group, but also inwardly, privately, and individually.

Repentance from the Heart (April 28)

Repentance from the Heart (April 28)

Theoretically, a person might change his ways for a number of reasons that have nothing to do with God. Repentance, however, is the reformation of one’s self because of godly sorrow. It has to do with God and it requires a certain kind of heart.

A Bag with Holes (April 27)

A Bag with Holes (April 27)

When mankind rebelled against Him, God subjected the world to “futility” (Romans 8:20,21), preventing us from controlling everything we want to control. He lets us learn from the humbling experience of pouring our efforts into a bag with holes in it.

We Have To Be Taught What We Need (April 26)

We Have To Be Taught What We Need (April 26)

The fact is, we have to be taught what our greatest needs are. We think we know what these are, but our priorities can become dangerously disordered. We have to learn (sometimes the hard way) that it is by God’s word that we live, not by bread alone.

Do We Really Mean Our Nice-Sounding Words? (April 25)

Do We Really Mean Our Nice-Sounding Words? (April 25)

Often our words serve the purpose of saying what we WANT to be true. Yet we need to be careful. Surrounded by other religious people, it’s easy to say nice things. But talk is cheap, as the saying goes. We need to mean every promise we make to God.

Setting Apart Christ as Lord in Our Hearts (April 24)

Setting Apart Christ as Lord in Our Hearts (April 24)

Converted to Christ, we set Him apart as our Lord. But living consistently under that lordship takes time. We must yield our hearts completely to His direction. At our baptism, we’re just getting started in learning how to let Christ be our Lord.

With All Your Heart and Soul (April 23)

With All Your Heart and Soul (April 23)

Jesus urged us to “count the cost” of discipleship (Luke 14:25-33). If we won’t throw the doors open and give God access to EVERY room in our hearts (even the “secret” ones), it’s doubtful that our intentions are as serious as they should be.

God Will Not Be Trifled With (April 22)

God Will Not Be Trifled With (April 22)

God must be TREATED as holy, with respect for His commandments, but He will also DISPLAY His holiness in His dealings with those who come near — even by punishing those who play fast and loose with His instructions and “worship” Him presumptuously.

A Tragic Disregard for God’s Requirements (April 21)

A Tragic Disregard for God’s Requirements (April 21)

There is a link between the CHARACTER of God and the COMMANDS of God. When God has given any instruction to regulate our behavior, we cannot disrespect His WORD without disrespecting HIM. There is no such thing as “reverent disobedience.”

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