“Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days” (Daniel 6:10).

IT IS IN TIMES OF NEED AND PAIN THAT WE TURN TO GOD MOST DILIGENTLY, YET IRONICALLY, THOSE ARE THE VERY TIMES WHEN WE’RE MOST DISTURBED BY DOUBT. We need to grow in the direction of a faith like that of Daniel, whose many years in this world had taught him to go ahead and trust God, no matter what seemed to be happening at the moment. As a human being, Daniel would have known as much about doubt as any of us. But he also knew a thing or two about the management of doubt.

There is no such thing as a truth so clear that no circumstance can call it into question. In the practical living of daily life, we all understand that doubt can creep into our minds concerning even the things we’re most sure of. However rock-like the things may be that we believe in, our feelings of security and confidence are not set in stone. They fluctuate, often rather quickly. And so, common sense tells us not to throw away our faith at the first sign of trouble. If our principles have been carefully acquired and lovingly nurtured, then they’re too valuable to be discarded when momentary doubt raises its head. When difficulty must be dealt with, that is when we need our principles the most.

Oswald Chambers wisely said, “Believe God is always the God you know Him to be when you are nearest to Him.” When darkness sets in and doubt makes its expected assault, we must not throw away the confidence that has been granted to us in the sunlight. Like Daniel who remembered to pray and give thanks even on the darkest day of his life, we must remember that the great reality of God does not change. The light that is visible to us in this realm may rise and fall, and with it our feelings of courage or despair, but He does not ever cease to be the eternal “I AM.” This must be our faith. This is our Father’s world, and let us “ne’er forget, that though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the Ruler yet” (Maltbie D. Babcock).

I believe in the sun even when it isn’t shining.
I believe in love even when I am alone.
I believe in God even when He is silent.
(A World War II Refugee)

Gary Henry – WordPoints.com + AreYouaChristian.com

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