Perfection? (August 31)

Perfection? (August 31)

The question is not at what point we are satisfied, but at what point God is satisfied. And He will not be satisfied until we have been returned to the perfectly glorious image of holiness that He had in mind when He created us.

Awake! (August 30)

Awake! (August 30)

The trumpet-blast of the Lord’s return will arouse us to a life that will be life indeed. If we are found in Christ, the thunderous voice of the archangel will open our eyes to the real life we were created to enjoy, and we will enjoy it forever.

Ready and Waiting (August 29)

Ready and Waiting (August 29)

The Lord’s first appearing occurred “when the fullness of the time had come,” and His final appearing will also be timed perfectly. Meanwhile, we can wait in faith and hope and love. We can be faithful in His work, ready and waiting to see His face.

What Would Be On Your Reading List? (August 28)

What Would Be On Your Reading List? (August 28)

When we see life’s sun setting and we know our time is running out, we tend to see what’s important more clearly. But in truth, we don’t have to wait until old age or a dire doctor’s report. We can concentrate on what’s most important right now.

Opportunity and Opposition (August 27)

Opportunity and Opposition (August 27)

We should not miss the opportunities presented by our problems. It’s good to have the courage to face our difficulties, but we can do better than just be courageous. We can see in our difficulties the productive possibilities that they offer to us.

Only One Thing About You Will Last (August 26)

Only One Thing About You Will Last (August 26)

Truth is what we’ll be tested by. Death will strip us of every advantage we’ve ever gained by sidestepping the truth. So, my friend, is there anything about you that is going to last? Time will surely tell. “Death cancels everything but truth.”

Earthly Advantages Will Disappear (August 25)

Earthly Advantages Will Disappear (August 25)

While life under the sun lasts, we had better be thinking about life beyond the sun. Death is coming, and we need to ask whether we’re doing anything that won’t be erased by that event. Only one such thing is available to us, and that is godliness.

Is There Not a Greater Victory to Be Won? (August 24)

Is There Not a Greater Victory to Be Won? (August 24)

Short of heaven, I don’t want to hear the Lord say, “You have your reward.” I don’t want anything in this world — or all of it put together. What I want can’t be had in this world, and that’s a sinless, eternal relationship with my God in heaven.

Enjoyment and Relinquishment (August 23)

Enjoyment and Relinquishment (August 23)

There is nothing in the world that is ours to keep — we must let go of all of it. The only thing we’ll never have to give up is God. Let’s allow the One Thing to be our security that was MEANT to be our security and see everything else as temporary.

Real Life Is Waiting (August 22)

Real Life Is Waiting (August 22)

A greater life can be ours in Christ. May we spend our days seeking Him and His forgiveness, on whatever terms He stipulates, so that when this life slips away, as it surely will, the thing that will be waiting for us is real life — life indeed.

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