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“It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are thoroughly alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger after them” (George Eliot).

ONE OF OUR MOST MARVELOUS ENDOWMENTS IS THE ABILITY TO ASPIRE TO GREATER THINGS THAN THOSE WE’VE KNOWN BEFORE. Unlike other creatures that are limited to what “is,” we are able to contemplate what “can be.” With wonderful creativity, we can envision ideals that go beyond the imperfection of today’s situation.

Being careful about our aspirations is important for the simple reason that they determine the quality of our lives and the worthiness of our achievements. Even if we’ve selected our ideals carelessly, they are still the end points toward which we move. James Allen said it well: “Whatever your present environment may be, you will fall, remain, or rise with your thoughts, your vision, your ideal. You will become as small as your controlling desire, or as great as your dominant vision.” Wherever we end up, that will be what we most truly desired — regardless of other ideals we may have paid lip service to.

It makes good sense, then, to elevate our aspirations frequently. We need to exercise the freedom we’ve been given and aspire to ends more honorable than those we’ve pursued in the past. In our vision of the future, we need to use the concept of “continuous improvement.” Since it is our aspirations that produce our actions, we should always be improving them, heightening and purifying our ambitions.

Unfortunately, we are surrounded by forces that would rob us of our aspirations. We must resist those forces with all our might. When cynicism and discouragement threaten to drag our dreams into the gutter, we must defend those dreams. It takes a tenacious character to hold on to ideals that are mocked by our enemies, and when our dreams are unappreciated by our friends, it takes an even greater determination to stay the course. If we ever let go of the things we long for, it should only be to exchange them for higher longings.

So we need to recognize the importance of our aspirations: constantly improving them, holding on to them, and fervently desiring them. Our highest hopes should be pursued with a heart that is desperately hungry. We’re not really living if we don’t let ourselves dream of cherished values with all our hearts.

“To love the beautiful, to desire the good, to do the best” (Moses Mendelssohn).

Gary Henry – +

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