Letting the Bible Speak

Lesson 4

Answer each question by looking thoughtfully at the passage indicated. Resist the tendency to answer with an opinion you or someone else may hold. Look at the passage itself. What does it say? Consider carefully.

1. STEADFASTNESS IN WORSHIP AND SERVICE. How important is it to continue doing the things that the Lord has commanded His people?

Read: Acts 2:42.

According to this passage: Were there things that the early Christians continued steadfastly in?

For further study: Matthew 6:33; 28:18-20; 1 Corinthians 15:58.

Read: Matthew 6:33.

According to this passage: Are we told where the Lord should always be in our priorities?

2. THE ASSEMBLING OF CHRISTIANS TOGETHER. How important is it for individual Christians to assemble faithfully with the church?

Read: Hebrews 10:24,25.

According to this passage: Is there something Christians are warned not to do?

3. WORSHIP THAT IS ACCEPTABLE TO GOD. When Christians assemble, are they free to worship in any way that pleases them?

Read: John 4:23,24.

According to this passage: Did Jesus talk about two equally important requirements of true worship?

4. DOING ALL IN THE NAME OF THE LORD. What does it mean to act “in the name of the Lord” and how important is it that we do so?

Read: Colossians 3:17.

According to this passage: Are we told what things the Christian must do in the Lord’s name?

According to this passage: In regard to the Christian assembly, for example, would we be acting with the authority of the Lord if we substituted cake and coffee in the Lord’s Supper?

Read: 2 John 9.

According to this passage: Are we told the condition of one who goes beyond the doctrine (teaching) of Christ?

5. WORSHIPING GOD IN SONG. Does it matter what kind of music is offered to God in worship?

Read: Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16.

According to this passage: When we sing in worship to God, is there something that should take place in our hearts?

According to this passage: Are we told what purposes are accomplished when Christians sing together?

According to this passage: Can a mechanical instrument of music do any of these things?

According to this passage: Could we use a mechanical instrument of music in worship and do so in the name of the Lord?

6. THE CHRISTIAN’S NEW LIFE. To what extent should there be a change in one’s life upon becoming a Christian?

Read: Ephesians 4:20-24.

According to this passage: Is there something the Christian must “put off” and something that must be “put on”?

For further study: Titus 2:11-14.

Read: Romans 12:1,2.

According to this passage: Are we told something the Christian is not to conform himself to?

Read: Luke 14:28-30.

According to this passage: Is there something we should do in regard to the “cost” of becoming a Christian?

7. SPIRITUAL GROWTH AND MATURITY. After becoming a Christian, how important is to continue to grow spiritually?

Read: 2 Peter 1:5-11.

According to this passage: Does Peter tell how we may keep from “stumbling” as Christians?

For further study: Ephesians 4:14-16; 1 Peter 2:1-3.

8. PRAYER. How important is prayer in the daily life of the Christian?

Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.

According to this passage: Are we told how often the Christian should pray?

9. BIBLE STUDY. How important is Bible study in the daily life of the Christian?

Read: 2 Timothy 3:15-17.

According to this passage: Are we told how we may become wise with respect to salvation?

For further study: 2 Timothy 2:15.

10. CONTINUED FAITHFULNESS TO THE LORD. Must we remain faithful until we die to be saved eternally?

Read: Revelation 2:10.

According to this passage: Does Jesus say on what condition we will receive the “crown of life”?

For further study: Philippians 2:12,13; Hebrews 3:6,12-14; 4:1,11.

11. THE CHRISTIAN’S HOPE. Can we be confident of our eternal salvation?

Read: 1 Peter 1:3-5.

According to this passage: Are we told on what basis the Christian may be sure of his salvation?

For further study: 2 Peter 1:10,11; 1 John 5:13.

12. PERVERTING THE GOSPEL. May we change the conditions for salvation given by God?

Read: Galatians 1:6-9.

According to this passage: Are we told what the consequences would be of accepting a gospel that was different from what God had revealed?

According to this passage: Understanding this, would we want to teach a person anything but what we can read in the New Testament?

13. ADDING TO AND TAKING AWAY FROM GOD’S WORD. May we add to or take away from the conditions for salvation that God has given?

Read: Revelation 22:18,19.

According to this passage: Are we told what God will do with those who tamper with His word?

For further study: Deuteronomy 4:2; 1 Corinthians 4:6.

14. OBEYING THE GOSPEL. What steps must be taken to become a Christian?

Read: John 3:16.

According to this passage: Does Christ require us to believe in Him?

For further study: John 8:24.

Read: Luke 13:3.

According to this passage: Does Christ require us to repent of our sins?

For further study: Acts 17:30.

Read: Matthew 10:32,33.

According to this passage: Does Christ require us to confess our faith in Him?

For further study: Romans 10:9,10.

Read: Mark 16:16.

According to this passage: Does Christ require us to be baptized for the remission of sins?

For further study: Acts 2:38.

15. BECOMING A PART OF THE LORD’S CHURCH. How can we be members of the same church that those in Acts were members of?

Read: Acts 2:47.

According to this passage: If we do the things above, will the Lord add us to His church just as He did those in the New Testament?

16. HEARING AND DOING GOD’S WILL. Is it enough just to know the right thing to do?

Read: James 1:21,22.

According to this passage: Can we be saved by hearing God’s word if we do not do what we hear?

For further study: James 4:17.

17. LOVING GOD AND OBEYING HIS COMMANDMENTS. What is the link between love and obedience?

Read: 1 John 5:3.

According to this passage: If we love God will we obey His word?

18. THE URGENCY OF OBEYING THE GOSPEL. Is obedience to the gospel something we should postpone until the earliest “convenient” time?

Read: Acts 16:25,30-34.

According to this passage: Did the Philippian jailer wait until the next day to be baptized?

For further study: Acts 24:25.

19. THE DANGER OF DELAY. Why is it hazardous to wait to obey the gospel?

Read: James 4:13,14.

According to this passage: Will we be able to obey the gospel tomorrow?

For further study: 2 Corinthians 6:1,2.

20. THE WASHING AWAY OF SINS. How can our sins be forgiven right now?

Read: Acts 22:16.

According to this passage: Was there something Paul was urged to do immediately?

Questions for Review

  1. Are Christians to faithfully attend the assemblies of the church?
  2. Does the Lord approve of innovations in our worship such as mechanical instruments of music?
  3. Must we turn from our old life and truly live according to the will of Christ?
  4. Can we remain faithful to Christ without the spiritual growth that comes from prayer and Bible study?
  5. Must we remain faithful until death to be saved eternally?
  6. Can we be confident of our eternal salvation?
  7. Must one believe, repent, confess, and be baptized in order to become a Christian?
  8. Have you done these things in obedience to the gospel of Christ?
  9. Can you enjoy the forgiveness of sins and the hope of heaven until you do these things?

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