Letting the Bible SpeakLesson 2
Answer each question by looking thoughtfully at the passage indicated. Resist the tendency to answer with an opinion you or someone else may hold. Look at the passage itself. What does it say? Consider carefully.
1. THE REVEALING OF THE GOSPEL TO THE APOSTLES OF CHRIST. How complete and final is the revelation that was made to the apostles in the first century?
Read: John 16:13.
According to this passage: Did Jesus say how much of the truth the Spirit would guide His apostles into?
Read: 2 Peter 1:3.
According to this passage: Are we told how much of what pertains to life and godliness has been given by God’s divine power?
2. THE IMPERISHABILITY OF THE LORD’S WORD. If all truth concerning salvation was revealed to the apostles in the first century, can we be sure that we still have all of that truth today?
Read: 1 Peter 1:23-25.
According to this passage: Are we told how long the word of God would abide?
According to this passage: Are we told whether the “word of the Lord” which endures forever is the same as the gospel preached by the apostles?
3. THE END OF THE LAW OF MOSES. Are we still under the Old Testament law today?
Read: Colossians 2:14.
According to this passage: Was there something against us that was taken out of the way at the cross?
Read: Ephesians 2:14-16.
According to this passage: Through His death on the cross, did Jesus abolish something that stood between Jews and Gentiles?
4. FREEDOM FROM THE LAW OF MOSES. If the Law of Moses is no longer in effect, does that mean we can do anything we please?
Read: Romans 7:6,7.
According to this passage: Is there something we have been delivered from?
According to this passage: Does the writer say any good purpose had been served by the law?
Read: 1 Corinthians 9:20,21.
According to this passage: If we are not under the Law of Moses, is there any law that we are under?
For further study: Romans 4:15; 1 John 3:4.
5. THE LAW OF MOSES AND THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST. What role did the Law of Moses play in connection with the gospel of Christ?
Read: Galatians 3:23-25.
According to this passage: Are we told whether the Law of Moses was in effect before faith (the gospel) came or after?
According to this passage: Was there some purpose served by the law while it was in effect?
6. THE NEW COVENANT OF CHRIST. What makes the new covenant better than the old?
Read: Hebrews 9:13-15.
According to this passage: Are we told why there was a need for a new covenant between God and man?
For further study: Hebrews 7:18,19; 8:6-13; 10:1-4.
7. OUR ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND THE PLAN OF SALVATION. Is it possible for us to come to know what was in the mind of God concerning our salvation?
Read: Ephesians 3:3-5.
According to this passage: Is there something God has done now that He did not do in other ages?
According to this passage: Is there a way we can understand the apostle Paul’s knowledge in the mystery of Christ?
For further study: 2 Corinthians 11:3.
8. THE COMPLETENESS OF GOD’S REVELATION. Are the Scriptures a sufficient guide for our salvation?
Read: 2 Timothy 3:16,17.
According to this passage: Are we told where Scripture comes from?
According to this passage: Are there things that the Scriptures (inspired writings) are profitable for?
According to this passage: Is there something that makes the man of God complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work?
9. JUDGMENT BY THE WORD OF CHRIST ALONE. Is the word of Christ the only standard of judgment by which our eternal destiny will be decided?
Read: John 12:48.
According to this passage: Is there someone whose words we will be judged by in the last day?
According to this passage: Will we be judged by the words of any other religious teacher who has ever lived?
According to this passage: Will we be judged by human religious creeds?
According to this passage: Will we be judged by the words of our family, friends, or neighbors?
For further study: John 8:31,32; 14:6.
10. THE IMPORTANCE OF DOING GOD’S WILL. What will happen if we practice anything other than God’s will in religion?
Read: Matthew 7:21-23.
According to this passage: Did Jesus say whose will must be done in order to enter the kingdom of heaven?
According to this passage: Is being sincere in our religious practices enough to save us?
11. JESUS CHRIST, THE SAVIOR OF THE OBEDIENT. Can we expect to receive the benefits of salvation in Christ if we fail to obey Him?
Read: Hebrews 5:8,9.
According to this passage: Are we told to whom Jesus is the author of eternal salvation?
For further study: Matthew 28:20.
12. THE NECESSITY AND IMPORTANCE OF LOVING GOD. How important is it to love God with all our hearts?
Read: Matthew 22:37,38.
According to this passage: Is there something Jesus said was the greatest commandment?
Read: John 14:15.
According to this passage: Did Jesus say what is required if we truly love Him?
13. BEING SET FREE FROM SIN. What must take place before we can be servants of righteousness?
Read: Romans 6:17,18.
According to this passage: Is there something that must be obeyed from the heart if we are to be set free from sin?
14. OBEDIENCE TO THE GOSPEL. What will be the destiny of those who do not obey the gospel of Christ?
Read: 2 Thessalonians 1:7,8.
According to this passage: When Christ returns, will there be some who will suffer the Lord’s vengeance?
15. FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST. What would be the consequence if we refused to believe in Christ?
Read: John 8:24.
According to this passage: Is there something that must be done in order not to die in our sins?
Read: John 3:16.
According to this passage: Is there something that must be done in order not to perish but have everlasting life?
16. REPENTANCE. What would be the consequence if we refused to repent of our sins?
Read: Acts 17:30,31.
According to this passage: Is there something that God now commands all men everywhere to do?
Read: Luke 13:3.
According to this passage: Is there something that must be done in order not to perish?
17. GODLY SORROW. Is true repentance any more than feeling bad about having sinned?
Read: 2 Corinthians 7:10.
According to this passage: Is there a difference between godly sorrow and the sorrow of the world?
According to this passage: Are we told what produces the repentance that leads to salvation?
For further study: Matthew 3:8.
Read: Acts 3:19.
According to this passage: Is there something that goes before the blotting out of our sins?
18. CONFESSION OF FAITH. What would be the consequence if we refused to confess our faith in Christ?
Read: Matthew 10:32,33.
According to this passage: Does Jesus say upon what condition He will confess us before His Father?
Read: Romans 10:9,10.
According to this passage: In addition to believing in our hearts, is there something we must do to be saved?
For further study: Matthew 16:15-17; Acts 8:36,37; 1 Timothy 6:12,13.
19. BAPTISM. What would be the consequence if we refused to be baptized for the remission of our sins?
Read: Mark 16:15,16.
According to this passage: In order to be saved, is there something that must follow belief in Christ?
Read: Acts 2:38.
According to this passage: In order to be saved, is there something that must follow repentance from our sins?
Read: Acts 8:36,37.
According to this passage: In order to be saved, is there something that must follow confession of our faith?
20. BAPTISM INTO CHRIST. At what point do we come into a saved relationship with Christ?
Read: Galatians 3:27.
According to this passage: In order to be in Christ, is there something that must be done?
For further study: Romans 6:3; 1 Corinthians 12:13; 1 Peter 3:21.
Questions for Review
- Do we need any additional revelation from God today?
- Are we to use the Old Testament for our authority in religion today?
- In the end, will we be judged by anything other than the word of Christ?
- Can we be saved without obeying Christ?
- Must we believe in Christ to be saved?
- Must we repent of our sins to be saved?
- Must we confess our faith to be saved?
- Must we be baptized for the remission of sins to be saved?