Letting the Bible SpeakLesson 1
Answer each question by looking thoughtfully at the passage indicated. Resist the tendency to answer with an opinion you or someone else may hold. Look at the passage itself. What does it say? Consider carefully.
Read: Genesis 1:1,26,27.
According to this passage: Does the Bible tell us where we came from?
Read: Ecclesiastes 12:13,14.
According to this passage: Does the Bible tell us why we are here?
Read: Romans 2:5-11.
According to this passage: Does the Bible tell us where we are going?
For further study: Matthew 25:31-46; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Hebrews 9:27.
2. INSPIRATION OF THE BIBLE. What do we mean when we say that the Bible is “inspired”?
Read: 2 Peter 1:20,21.
According to this passage: Were the writers of the Scriptures moved by anything other than their own will?
For further study: Matthew 10:19,20; 2 Timothy 3:16,17.
3. THE PART OF THE BIBLE THAT PERTAINS ESPECIALLY TO US. Are we to use the Old Testament in the same way as the New Testament?
Read: Hebrews 1:1,2.
According to this passage: Does God speak today in a way that goes beyond the way He spoke in past ages?
For further study: Matthew 5:17,18; John 1:17; Romans 15:4; Hebrews 9:15.
4. PLEASING GOD. What must we believe and do if we are to be what God wants us to be?
Read: Hebrews 11:6.
According to this passage: Must the person who comes to God do anything more than believe that God exists?
5. MANY RELIGIONS IN THE WORLD. Are not people in various parts of the world free to seek God by means of different religions?
Read: Matthew 28:18-20.
According to this passage: Were the apostles to preach the gospel to certain nations only?
According to this passage: Was there something those who were baptized were to be taught to do?
For further study: Acts 17:24-31.
Read: John 14:6.
According to this passage: Did Jesus claim to be merely one of many paths to God?
For further study: John 6:68,69; 20:30,31.
6. TRUE WORSHIP OF GOD. How must we worship if our worship is to be acceptable to God?
Read: John 4:23,24.
According to this passage: Are true worshipers free to worship in any way they choose?
According to this passage: Is sincerity the only requirement for true worship?
Read: Matthew 15:9.
According to this passage: Is there a kind of doctrine that can make our worship vain?
7. SIN. What is the real meaning of “sin”?
Read: Acts 23:1; 26:9,10.
According to this passage: Is our conscience always enough to tell us whether we are guilty of sin?
For further study: 1 Timothy 4:2.
Read: 1 John 3:4.
According to this passage: Does sin have anything to do with the law of God?
For further study: 2 John 9.
8. THE EXTENT OF SIN IN THE WORLD. Is there any person who does not need to be saved from sin?
Read: Romans 3:23.
According to this passage: Is there something all of us have done that causes us to fall short of the glory of God?
For further study: Galatians 3:22.
9. THE POWER OF GOD TO SALVATION. What provision has God made to save man?
Read: Romans 1:16.
According to this passage: Does God have a power that is sufficient to save us from our sins?
According to this passage: Are we told who can receive the benefit of this power?
10. THE WORLD’S RESPONSE TO THE GOSPEL. Will most of the world be saved eternally?
Read: Matthew 7:13,14.
According to this passage: In religion, is it safe to follow the majority?
For further study: John 14:6.
11. MAKING CHANGES IN THE GOSPEL. What would be the consequence if we changed the gospel into something different from what God has given?
Read: Galatians 1:6-9.
According to this passage: Is a warning given to those who would change the gospel in any way?
12. UNITY IN CHRIST. Does Jesus Christ want unity among those who claim to follow Him?
Read: John 17:17,20,21.
According to this passage: Is there any basis upon which the followers of Christ can be unified?
For further study: 1 Corinthians 1:10; Ephesians 4:3-6; 2 John 9.
13. CONFESSING CHRIST. What would be the consequence if we refused to confess Christ?
Read: Matthew 10:32,33.
According to this passage: When Jesus comes again will He deny anyone before His Father?
Read: Titus 1:16.
According to this passage: Other than denying Him with our words, is there any other way we can deny Christ?
14. OBEYING CHRIST. What would be the consequence if we confessed Christ with our lips but did not obey Him in our deeds?
Read: Matthew 7:21-23.
According to this passage: Is anything else needed to enter the kingdom of heaven other than calling Jesus our “Lord”?
According to this passage: Are there sincere religious people to whom the Lord would say, “Depart from Me”?
For further study: Luke 6:46; 2 Timothy 2:19.
15. THE “FAITH ONLY” DOCTRINE. What would be the consequence if we followed the “faith only” approach to the gospel?
Read: James 2:17,24,26.
According to this passage: Are we told whether faith can save us by itself?
16. THE IMPACT OF THE GOSPEL ON OUR WAY OF LIFE. Does the gospel have a bearing on the practical things in our lives, such as the marriage relationship?
Read: Matthew 19:9.
According to this passage: Does the gospel of Christ say anything about our marriages?
For further study: 1 Corinthians 7:1-9.
17. OPPORTUNITY FOR SALVATION AFTER DEATH. When this life is over, will there be any other opportunity for us to be saved?
Read: 2 Corinthians 5:10.
According to this passage: Do we know when the deeds are done upon which we will be judged?
For further study: Hebrews 9:27.
Read: Philippians 2:12.
According to this passage: Are we told who is capable of working out our salvation?
For further study: Acts 2:40.
18. THE TIME OF CHRIST’S RETURN. When will Christ return to judge the world?
Read: Matthew 24:35,36.
According to this passage: Is any instruction given to Christ’s followers concerning the day and the hour of His return?
For further study: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6; 2 Peter 3:7-12.
19. THE CHRISTIAN’S ATTITUDE TOWARD DEATH. What attitude toward death can the Christian have?
Read: Hebrews 2:14,15.
According to this passage: Is there something that allows a person to be released from the fear of death?
For further study: 1 Corinthians 15:50-57.
20. THE VALUE OF BEING A CHRISTIAN. Does the gospel of Christ only have to do with our eternal destiny, or does it have a bearing on this life also?
Read: 1 Timothy 4:8.
According to this passage: Is there something that holds promise both for the life that now is and also that which is to come?
For further study: Luke 18:29,30.
Read: John 10:10.
According to this passage: Is there something that Jesus came to make possible for us?
Questions for Review
- Is the Bible the inspired word of God?
- If we are to be what God wants us to be, must we believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him?
- Are we free to seek and to worship God in any way that seems best to us?
- Is sin a transgression of God’s law?
- Is there anyone who does not need to be saved from sin?
- Is the gospel of Christ God’s power to save us from our sins?
- Is truth a basis upon which we can have unity in Christ?
- If we believe in Christ but do not confess or obey Him, will we be saved?
- After death, will we have any other opportunity to obey the gospel?
- Does the gospel of Christ hold promise for this life and also the life to come?