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This month’s report will be an update on my health situation. I know that many have been concerned and wanting to know what the doctors are telling me, but it has only been within the last two or three weeks that my test results have begun to clarify the picture.

In addition to the broken hip from a year ago and the heart stent that was placed last October, which most of you have known about, I have also been having daily headaches, vision problems, and even continuing chest pains, as well as a variety of other issues. Quite a number of tests have been run, and I am happy to say that (a) the results have not shown any serious problems, and (b) the symptoms have been going away.

(1) At this point, the chest pains appear not to be heart-related or lung-related, and both my cardiologist and pulmonologist are confident that I’m in good shape in both of their areas. The pains have been much less within the past few weeks, and I am glad to know they are not indicative of any serious underlying problem right now.

(2) On the headaches and vision problems, I have seen a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, and a retina specialist, and none of their tests indicate any serious problems. And just as with the chest pains, the symptoms here are beginning to go away. (You will be amused to know that the neurologist saw no “significant abnormalities” with my brain.)

(3) After a year of pain and seemingly little progress, my hip is finally beginning to improve. On some days I still have pain, but after months of thinking it was never going to get any better, there has been significant improvement. It has been over a month since I have had to use my cane to walk.

(4) The one question that has not yet been answered has to do with prostate cancer. The urologist thinks it is possible that I do have cancer, but because of the anticoagulant drug I have to take for my heart stent, I can’t have a prostate biopsy until at least November. But my PSA numbers are trending downward right now, so I will just have to wait and see what happens as I get closer to November.

Last year seemed like a “waterfall” of physical problems cascading down upon me. But things are looking better now, and I believe prayers of thanksgiving need to be offered to the Father for what has happened. For the first time in quite awhile, I feel fresh wind in my sails.

As this year begins to unfold, I very much look forward to a return to the pulpit. I have meetings next month in Helena, Alabama and Tyler, Texas, and it is with great anticipation that I am praying and preparing for these efforts. I hope you will join me in praying for my spiritual strength and physical endurance as I get back to teaching live audiences. I have missed it greatly.

Thanks again for your support — and for your patience while I’ve been battling all these physical impediments to my work. God has been gracious, and I am thankful that your support has been a part of what He has provided to keep me going. I count it a privilege to get up each morning and participate in the work the Lord is doing. Whether my remaining days be many or few, I will use them, to the best of my ability, in doing all the good I can.

Gary Henry – +

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