- Text: Eph. 4:29.
- The tongue is a devastatingly destructive instrument — very difficult to control – Jas. 3:5,6.
- But we don’t have to do harm — if we choose, we can do great good with the gift of speech – Eph. 4:29.
- What are some of the encouraging, edifying, and refreshing words that we can speak?
I. Words of Gratitude
- There is no better feeling than to know that others are thankful for us — we do our best when we are appreciated.
- Paul was genuinely grateful for his brethren, and he said so – 1 Thess. 1:2,3; 2:19,20; etc.
- Gratitude needs not only to be genuinely felt, it needs to be expressed.
II. Words of Confidence
- We need to believe the best about one another and express that sentiment. Cf. 1 Cor. 13:7.
- Paul had great confidence in his brethren – Rom. 15:14; Philem. 21.
- “But, beloved, we are confident of better things concerning you” (Heb. 6:9 NKJV).
III. Words of Hope
- Hope in Christ is one of our most precious possessions – 1 Pt. 1:3,4. Cf. Eph. 1:18.
- We can do much good by building hope in others, rather than quenching it.
IV. Words of Love
- The need to be loved is deep and strong.
- We can’t love God without loving His children, our brothers and sisters – 1 Jn. 4:20-5:2.
- Words that express our love can do good that is simply incalculable.
- Whatever other abilities we may not have, we all can do good by the use of encouraging words. Cf. Prov. 15:23; 25:11.
- May our goal be to have a “refreshing” effect on those we deal with – Philem. 7.
Gary Henry – +