For many years, email has been one of the primary tools I have used to disseminate the written materials that I develop. Even in these days of mobile apps and social media, email continues to connect with many readers who prefer to read my daily posts in this format. In this month’s report, I’d like to share with you the different emails that readers can subscribe to and the number of readers for each email.
The web page where the following emails can be subscribed to is — every email that is sent out contains a link at the bottom of the page allowing readers to unsubscribe at any time or change their email preferences, their email address, etc.
All of these emails go out at 4:00 AM (U.S. Eastern), except the Family Bible Studies and Monthly Work Report.
Diligently Seeking God. The oldest book in the “WordPoints Daybook Series,” Diligently Seeking God (published in 2003) has had a large email readership for many years. It continues to be read by long-time subscribers, and it also picks up new subscribers each month. As of today, 1,340 individuals are receiving this email every morning. Each day’s email contains that day’s page from the hardcopy book, delivered electronically to the subscriber’s email address.
Reaching Forward. This book was published in 2009 and continues to have a devoted readership. At present, this list has 998 subscribers. The email is sent seven days a week, with each day’s page from the book Reaching Forward.
Enthusiastic Ideas/More Enthusiastic Ideas. Also sent out seven days a week, this email contains the daily readings from these two companion books, in alternating years. In odd years, readers receive each day’s page from More Enthusiastic Ideas, and in even years the readings come from Enthusiastic Ideas. Right now, there are 829 subscribers to these readings.
Daily Family Bible Studies. This email goes out every Saturday morning at 10:00 AM. It contains a Monday-Friday Bible study for the coming week that families can use with their children to discuss a biblical theme. Each study consists of an overview article on the theme for the week, and then five scriptural points exploring the theme in more detail. Each of the five points (Monday-Friday) contains a Bible passage to study, questions for the family to discuss, and a text from the Book of Proverbs containing practical wisdom to think about each day. As of this week, there are 724 subscribers to this list. This list is growing at the fastest rate of any of the email lists.
Monthly Work Report. Anyone can subscribe to this report on the work I am doing. Although it is of special interest to those who support my work financially, the report can be received by anybody who is interested. At present, 273 different individuals receive this email. It goes out at 10:00 AM on the first day of each month.
At present, I use a company called MailChimp as my email service provider. The cost is tied to the number of subscribers I have, and at present my cost for this service is $50 per month. I appreciate the fact that your support helps me to use the medium of email to reach thousands of people whom I have never had the chance to meet face-to-face.
Gary Henry – +