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This is a beautiful time of year in Louisville, Kentucky. I hope that you also are experiencing some pleasant days where you are.

Last month, I mentioned that I wanted to tell you a bit more about Walking in Christ, the book that I’m currently working on in the WordPoints Daybook Series. This will be Book 6, the next-to-the-last volume in the series. I have some other projects that I would like to work on, Lord willing, when the series is finished (see the bottom of this page), but when finished, the WordPoints Daybook Series will be a sequential body of writing that can be considered as “one work.” Since it will have required nearly 30 years of writing, I’ll breathe a sigh of relief when it’s done.

Walking in Christ follows Obeying the Gospel and takes the next step in the train of thought in these books. After initially obeying the gospel of Christ, one is in a forgiven relationship with Christ and enjoys the hope of eternity with Him. But as a new disciple, he or she needs to begin learning what’s involved in living as a Christian in this world while eagerly waiting for the promised return of Christ.

I don’t pretend to know any more about life in Christ than others who’ve been in Christ as long as I have, and I’m quite sure that I know far less than many whose lives I admire. But my path through this world has, by all accounts, been unique, and I’ve learned a thing or two in the process. If I can share what I know in such a way that someone else is helped by it, I believe I should do so. Walking in Christ, therefore, will not try to cover “Christian living” in a comprehensive way; it will be a selective, individual report by one man of some things he has learned are important.

The title, of course, is biblical and comes from a text that has come to mean a great deal to me: “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him” (Colossians 2:6). This book of 366 daily devotional readings will speak to those of us who are “in Christ” about our “walk” in Him. In my opinion, it’s important to view our lives that way. A “walk” is not the only metaphor used to describe our experience, but it is certainly a powerful way of picturing it. So I hope in this book to explore some of the ways we are helped when we view our lives as a “walk” — a way of life that is “in the Lord,” governed by His revealed will and pursued in daily communion with Him.

I will also be emphasizing some fundamental matters in the New Testament that are not receiving much attention these days. In these pages, I’ll be trying to remind us of some basic truths that we must make sure never to forget.

So I am praying every day that Walking in Christ will be helpful. I’m not so naive as to think it will be helpful to everybody, but I do hope it will land in the hands of a few individuals who will find it to be of special value. That’s all any writer can ask, and when I think how much more than that the Lord has blessed me with, it brings tears to my eyes. Some of you have made the life of this writer a richer experience than he has any right to enjoy. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to know, as I write each day, that you care enough to support this work. You are the reason I keep writing. And I pray that I may be able to do so for however long it takes to get this work done.

Gary Henry – +


Pray with me that I will be given the ability to finish these works
  • Walking in Christ — Book 6 in the WordPoints Daybook Series. Target: November 2025.
  • Going Home — Book 7 in the WordPoints Daybook Series. Target: November 2028.
  • Seeking God in the Psalms — a 52-lesson study — theme for each week, studies for Monday-Friday.
  • Ecclesiastes — a full-scale commentary on the text of Ecclesiastes.
  • Encountering Christ — what the Scriptures teach about Jesus Christ . . . and why we should believe it.

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