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Greetings in the Lord. I pray that each of you is well and that you are joyful in the work of the Lord.

I look forward this coming Sunday to being with the brethren at Clarksville, Indiana again. Right now, the plan is for me to preach there every first Sunday (and also whenever there is a fifth Sunday) while they continue their search for a full-time evangelist. They have been encouraging to me for many years in the past, and I am happy to help them all that I can.

Jim Burgess, who was one of the elders at the Northside congregation in Greenwood, Arkansas, passed from this life on Friday, February 18. The brethren in Greenwood have supported my work for a very long time, and Jim and Myra Burgess have always been among the pillars in that group of Christians. Jim was legendary among the Lord’s people in Arkansas. He was known and loved far and wide. His love for the Lord was accompanied by a winning personality and a broad range of talents. Those of you who have held meetings in Greenwood know of the hospitality of the Burgess home. Jim will be sorely missed, and our prayers go up for dear Myra.

I want to publicly thank the congregation at Greenwood and its elders for the support which they have extended to me for so long. I am happy to count Todd Hales, the evangelist at Northside, among my close friends. The town of Greenwood, Arkansas is a place that has been impacted greatly by the good work of this faithful church.

I mentioned last month that I planned to make a trip to Birmingham, Alabama to visit with my dear friends, Reg and Martha Ginn. I was able to make that trip, and I thank God for it. Reg was able to get out of bed, get dressed, and come into the living room to visit with me for a couple of hours. We also enjoyed a lunch that Martha prepared, although Reg was not able to eat much. Since then, his condition has become much worse, and at this writing he is receiving hospice care at home. Martha is at his side, as is their son-in-law, Tram Norris, and their son, David Ginn. I simply do not have the words to adequately convey how much Reg has meant to me in my lifetime. Suffice it to say, at this point, that I love him profoundly, and I solicit your prayers for him and for Martha, his beloved wife.

Last month, I continued to work on the Walking in Christ and Encountering Christ projects. In both areas, I am growing in the faith as I do the study necessary to accomplish the writing. As Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel once said, “I write in order to understand as much as to be understood.” That is certainly true in my own life. I am glad to be doing work that gives me the opportunity to grow as much as my current work does.

I am so very grateful for the ways in which you help me to do the work that I am involved in. Certainly, the financial support is of great importance, but I also appreciate the prayers that you offer for me personally and for the work that is being done. I do not take those prayers for granted. And I also appreciate, more than you could possibly know, the notes and cards and other gestures by which you communicate to me your kindness and care. It is a blessing to me, every single day, just to call you to mind and meditate on how helpful you have been. Thank you for all these things!

Gary Henry – +


Pray with me that I will be given the ability to finish these works
  • Walking in Christ — Book 6 in the WordPoints Daybook Series. Target: November 2025.
  • Going Home — Book 7 in the WordPoints Daybook Series. Target: November 2028.
  • Seeking God in the Psalms — a 52-lesson study — theme for each week, studies for Monday-Friday.
  • Ecclesiastes — a full-scale commentary on the text of Ecclesiastes.
  • Encountering Christ — what the Scriptures teach about Jesus Christ . . . and why we should believe it.

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