Greetings in the Lord. It is an honor to be communicating with you again, not only with those who support me financially but also those who have signed up to get this report because they are interested in the work.
I haven’t mentioned it in a while, but I continue to send out the “Daily Family Bible Studies” each week. Of all the email lists that people can sign up for on, this is the largest. At present, there are 1,521 people who get these studies. These consist of Monday-Friday themes for Bible study. Written originally with families in mind, these can also be used by individuals. The emails go out each Saturday morning, providing the studies for the following week. After so many years of sending these out, I am thrilled that they are still useful to so many people.
And speaking of regular weekly study of the Scriptures, I wanted to mention something about my own personal study so that you can pray about it. I have increased my yearly reading of the Bible from once a year to twice a year. I read seven days a week, usually first thing in the morning. Then I ponder the reading throughout the day and look back over it for a recap the last thing at the end of the day during my main prayer time. At this point, I am wanting more than ever before to saturate my mind with the Scriptures and become familiar with every page in the book. So this twice-a-year program has been very good for me personally, especially when tied to my prayer life. I hope you’ll pray for me, that this extensive time in the Scriptures will pay dividends in the substance of my writing.
Two weeks ago, I enjoyed preaching in Franklin, Indiana at the Creekside congregation where Dan Barker is the evangelist. Each month on the fourth Sunday they have a special afternoon service to which they invite people from the community. We had a full house with very enthusiastic singing. I was able to preach not only to those present in the building, but we also had a lady in Germany to join the service via Zoom. She was a study contact of one of the members of the congregation. Dan Barker has been a friend for many years and is one of the most evangelistically minded men I know. It was a pleasure to work with him and the congregation there. They have several people who have recently obeyed the gospel, and it was refreshing to meet them. Preaching to the new converts and also the lady in Germany, it was good for me to be reminded of the need to speak understandably to people who are not yet very far along in their knowledge of the Bible.
Last Sunday, I was back at Clarksville, Indiana. I will also be with them this coming Sunday. I appreciate the opportunity to preach for them. They are so encouraging to me.
I continue to write more pages for Walking in Christ. Still in the early stages of writing this book, the remaining work seems overwhelming, but as with all the previous books, I will just keep my head down and keep writing one page at a time. That’s how it gets done: one page at a time.
I hope you each know how grateful I am for your prayers — and your support in so many other ways. It is no exaggeration to say that I couldn’t do without you. I depend on your help and feel honored to have fellowship with you.
Gary Henry – +
Pray with me that I will be given the ability to finish these works
- Walking in Christ — Book 6 in the WordPoints Daybook Series. Target: November 2025.
- Going Home — Book 7 in the WordPoints Daybook Series. Target: November 2028.
- Seeking God in the Psalms — a 52-lesson study — theme for each week, studies for Monday-Friday.
- Ecclesiastes — a full-scale commentary on the text of Ecclesiastes.
- Encountering Christ — what the Scriptures teach about Jesus Christ . . . and why we should believe it.