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Greetings in the Lord. In my final report for this year, I wanted to tell you the writing projects that will occupy most of my attention in the new year. As I mentioned last month, having moved to Louisville KY and become a member of the Douglass Hills congregation, the focus of my work will be changing somewhat. I will still preach and teach as I have the opportunity, but I will be giving greater attention to my writing. If the writing I wish to do is going to be completed before I die, the time has come for me to get serious about it and make it my main focus.

(1) Obeying the Gospel. A few pages have already been written, but beginning the first week of January, I will get down in earnest to the writing of this book. It will be Book 5 in the “WordPoints Daybook Series.” Focused on what is involved in becoming a Christian (and especially emphasizing the commitment that is required), this will be a book for all of us, Christian and non-Christian alike. Written in the format of a daybook, with one page for each day of the year, it will give the reader an opportunity to ponder for an entire year the marvelous nature of the gospel of Christ and what should be our response to it. As with my other books, I plan to use this new book for my own edification, and also use it as an evangelistic tool in my work with other people.

(2) Are You a Christian? This will be a special website specifically devoted to the non-Christian. It will address not only HOW one becomes a Christian, but also WHY one would do that.

(3) Daily Family Bible Studies. Year 3 will be sent out by email, but by the end of next year, I hope to have all four years of these studies finished, so that people can download the entire work in the form of a PDF document.

(4) Seeking God in the Psalms. This is a new work that will be in a format similar to the “Daily Family Bible Studies” but devoted to a study of God in the Psalms. Each study will contain an essay on a specific topic, and then five Monday-Friday devotionals that expand the topic and include questions for personal study, family devotion, or group study. There will be 52 of these studies, so that one could be studied each week throughout the year. It will take several years for me to finish this project, but I hope to devote significant time to it during the next year.

(5) Blog. I have long had a blog on my website, but I have not used it very much. In the new year, I plan to make posts more regularly to my blog, usually short articles that make a specific point. My goal is to make each of these readings something that will be worthwhile — a brief source of encouragement to those who read them.

None of us has anything to use in the Lord’s work that has not been given to us by God. As Paul said, “What do you have that you did not receive? Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?” (1 Cor. 4:7). If I can write, then I need to use that gift eagerly, always conscious that a significant responsibility goes with the gift. During the coming year, I want to be a better steward of the ability the Lord has given me to write.

I thank you for helping to make this writing possible. I hope you will keep praying for me. The seriousness of this work weighs heavy upon me seven days a week, and I will need your prayers this next year more than ever. Thanks for the friendship and support you have so graciously extended to me. May God bless you richly.

Gary Henry – +

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