During the weekend of February 15-17, I was with the brethren at the Low Country congregation in Goose Creek SC. Steve Brewer works with this group as an evangelist and is a long-time friend. The brethren at Low Country are one of the most evangelistic groups that I know, and we had a great weekend. In all, we had nine non-Christian visitors to the services, with good questions after each of the lessons on “Obeying the Gospel.”
Laron Fleming is also a member of the congregation in Goose Creek. I had met Laron several years ago in Dothan AL when I was in a meeting there and he happened to be in the area visiting family. Laron is an exceptional individual. He became a Christian in 2007 and has become an extremely valuable part of the work in SC. He helps with nearly every aspect of the work, and during the meeting most of the non-Christian visitors who came did so as a result of being invited by him. Unfortunately, Laron has been diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Obviously his loss to the work there would be a devastating blow to his family, to the congregation, and to Steve Brewer personally. Please pray that Laron may be spared from this cancer and be able to continue helping the work in SC.
Lord willing, my radiation treatments will be finished on Friday, April 12. I am eager for this process to be over and to learn whether it has put the cancer in remission. It will be a few months before the results become clear, but I will certainly let you know as soon as I find out anything. Your continuing prayers are certainly appreciated.
As soon as my cancer treatments are done and I can regain a little strength, I look forward to getting back to writing some more pages for the new book Obeying the Gospel. I was almost to the halfway point when the cancer diagnosis disrupted everything, so I am eager to get back to this work. I still believe that, Lord willing, this book and the other projects associated with it can be ready by sometime next year. But this will take a massive amount of work between now and then, so I need your prayers for my strength and clarity of mind for the next year and a half or so.
I wanted to mention that the WordPoints Mobile App is available once again (free of charge) in both the Apple and Android app stores. Due to some technical problems, it was unavailable for a while, but those have been resolved. If you know of anyone who has been having trouble downloading the app, please let them know it is available again.
In regard to the mobile app, it is interesting how this app has been received in China. The last time I checked, there had been 2,544 downloads of the app in China. In the confidence that the Lord’s word never returns to Him void, I rejoice at this amount of seed being sown in the hearts of thousands of people I will never meet face to face.
On a purely personal note, some of you may have heard that my car was stolen car a little over a week ago. The police department has recovered it, but I have not yet gotten it back. I have a rental car, but all of this has been a hassle I did not need, with everything else I have going on. But it looks like the situation may resolve itself fairly quickly.
Thanks again for your support, especially during the past few stressful months. It has meant more than words can say just to know that you are out there praying and being concerned. I count it a privilege to be connected to you in the Lord’s work, and I pray regularly for the work where you are.
Gary Henry – WordPoints.com + AreYouaChristian.com